Sunday, September 24, 2006

Tidy Craft Room

DH and I have spent the whole of today emptying, painting and tidying my little craft room. Who would have thought that a room 6 feet something x 7 feet something could hold so much stuff........

My dad and stepmum are coming over at Christmas time so a massive reorganisation was required so that someone could sleep in there. Out went my beautiful handmade solid pine desk and in came a folding aluminium camping table (easy to put away when we need to get a camp bed out). DH had the idea to take the castors off my storage cube unit and lay it on it's side - voila! extra work surface :)

Still need to sort through and weed out some unwanted bits but I'm really pleased that we managed to get it sorted and painted within the day


Blogger Sally said...

greta looking room with lots of fab goodies to play with. Wondre how long it will stay neat and tidy ???

sally xxx

10:22 am  

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